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Earn 10,000 INR per Month from BidVertiser: Step-by-Step Guide

Earn 10,000 INR per Month from BidVertiser: Step-by-Step Guide

Hello friends, today's post is beneficial for every internet user because I will explain Earn 10,000 INR per Month from BidVertiser. My previous post discussed some important benefits of earning money online. Many people have asked me on social media how to make money from the internet, so this post is for those who want to earn a monthly income online.

Earn 10,000 INR per Month from BidVertiser

Earn 10,000 INR per Month from BidVertiser

Friends, as we all know, if you search for "How to Earn Money from the NET" on Google, you'll find many websites in the results. However, the biggest problem nowadays is that many of these websites are fake. They make you work, but when it's time for payment, you don't receive anything. 

Fortunately, some legitimate websites pay you in full for your work, and one of these websites is BidVertiser. While you may not earn a lot of money initially, with consistent effort, BidVertiser will pay you valuable amounts over time. How can I be sure they pay on time? In this post, I will provide proof. So, let's proceed and learn more about BidVertiser.

What is BidVertiser?

BidVertiser is a pay-per-click (PPC) network that has been providing its services since around 1997. In 2003, the company introduced an additional service that allows users to earn a passive income. This long-standing history proves that BidVertiser is not a fake website. If you still have doubts, I will provide proof later in this post to build your confidence. Although you may already have an idea of what BidVertiser is, let's delve a little deeper.

Why does BidVertiser pay us?

It's important to understand why BidVertiser pays us and what we need to do to earn money from it. Essentially, BidVertiser pays you to place its ads on your website or blog. In simple terms, to earn money through BidVertiser, you need to have a website or blog where you can display their ads. If you don't have a blog and don't know how to create one, you can read this guide.

Where does BidVertiser get ads from, and what are its benefits?

As we all know, no service is provided for free; the service provider must benefit to cover office expenses, and management costs, and make a profit. Companies that want to advertise contact PPC networks like BidVertiser and pay substantial fees for this service. Many companies create ads and pay BidVertiser to display them. 

BidVertiser then supplies these ads to blog or website owners, who earn money by placing them on their sites. However, BidVertiser retains a significant portion of the advertiser's payment, giving only about 10% to the blog owner. This is how BidVertiser operates and profits from its service.

How much can I earn from BidVertiser ads?

BidVertiser is a low-paying company, but it reliably pays whatever you earn at the end of each month. The amount you can earn largely depends on your blog or website traffic. There is no fixed limit to your earnings, but you can easily earn 10,000 INR a month with sufficient traffic

Since BidVertiser is a pay-per-click ad network, your earnings will be higher if visitors click on the ads. You earn very little through ad impressions alone, so having a blog with good traffic is crucial for generating significant income. Now, let's move on to discussing the payment proof.

BidVertiser Payment Proof

I am providing this payment proof to assure you that BidVertiser is a legitimate ad network that pays its users. To see the proof, look at the image below showing my earnings and paid payments.

How to Receive Payment from BidVertiser

When we place ads on our website or blog, our earnings begin. To understand how and when you can receive this earned money from BidVertiser, read the following points:

To receive the payment, you must have a PayPal account. Without a PayPal account, Indian users cannot receive earnings from BidVertiser.

You need a minimum earning of $10 in your BidVertiser account. You cannot withdraw the payment if it is less than this amount.

Important Note: Indian users cannot receive payment by check.

Now that you have learned a lot about BidVertiser, let's move forward and understand what is needed to create an account on BidVertiser.

Which Account Should Be Created for Earning on BidVertiser?

There are two types of accounts on BidVertiser:

  1. Advertiser
  2. Publisher

Before proceeding, let's briefly understand these account types and which one you need to create.


This account is for people who want to advertise their company, website, or business. You can create an Advertiser account to promote your website with the help of BidVertiser. However, this account type is not meant for earning money.


This account is for people who have their own blogs or websites and want to earn money from them. A Publisher account is specifically created to earn money from BidVertiser ads.

Important Note: To earn money from BidVertiser, you need to create a Publisher account.

Now, let's also learn about what is required to create a Publisher account.

What Do I Need to Create a Publisher Account on BidVertiser?

To create a Publisher account on BidVertiser, ensure you have the following:

  1. An email ID, which you will use to create the account.
  2. A website or blog, where you will place the BidVertiser ad code to earn money.
  3. A PayPal account is necessary for receiving payments as BidVertiser uses PayPal for Indian users.

How to Create a Publisher Account on BidVertiser

If you prefer not to watch video tutorials, follow the step-by-step instructions with images below to create a Publisher account for your blog on BidVertiser:

  • Click here to go to the BidVertiser site.
  • Click on "Join Now – It’s Free".
  • A new page will open with a form. Fill in all your information:

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Phone number
  4. Email address
  5. Choose a username for your BidVertiser account
  6. Choose a password
  7. Confirm the password

  • Click on "Get Activation Code".
  • Check your email for the activation code from BidVertiser. Copy and Paste it into the form.
  • Agree to the terms of service and other policies by checking the appropriate boxes.
  • Click "Continue".

Next, you need to fill in information about your website or blog:

  1. Enter your site or blog name in the "BidVertiser Title" field.
  2. Enter your blog or website URL with "http" in the "URL of your site" field.
  3. Select your blog or site's language from the "Choose Language" option.
  4. Select the main category of your blog.
  5. Select the subcategory of your blog.
  6. Click "Finish".

Then, provide additional information:

  • Select your country from the "Select Country" option.
  • Enter your real mobile number.
  • Fill in the Verification code shown above.
  • Click "Submit".

Note: You will need your mobile number as BidVertiser will send a verification code via text message.

Verify your account by entering the code sent to your mobile and clicking "Submit".

Your account is now created but not yet verified for your blog. To verify it, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Get Ad Code".
  2. A popup window will appear with the ad code. Copy it and close the window.
  3. Paste this copied BidVertiser ad code on your blog:

For Blogger or Blogspot:

  1. Log in to your Blogger account.
  2. Go to "Layout".
  3. Click on "Add a Gadget".
  4. Select "HTML/JavaScript".
  5. Paste the copied ad code and click "Save".

For self-hosted WordPress:

  1. Log in to your Cpanel.
  2. Go to "Appearance" > "Widgets".
  3. Select the "Text/JavaScript" widget.
  4. Paste the copied ad code and save it.
  5. Go back to BidVertiser and click "Verify".
  6. Enter the captcha code and click "Verify".
  7. You will see a message saying, "Website Verified Successfully, Ads Are Now Enabled". 

Set the Payment Method

To set your payment method:

  1. Click on "Select Payment Method".
  2. Choose from the available options (PayPal, Payza, Check, Wire). Indian users can only use PayPal or Payza.
  3. Click on the PayPal radio button.
  4. Enter your PayPal email address.
  5. Enter your BidVertiser account password in the "Your current password" field.
  6. Click "Update".

Congratulations, your BidVertiser account is now fully set up for your blog. If you need help placing BidVertiser ad codes on your blog, I will cover that in the next tutorial.

I hope you now know Earn 10,000 INR per Month from BidVertiser. If you have any questions or suggestions related to this post, please share them in the comments. We welcome your feedback. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends on social media.08:28 24-05-2024


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