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How To Get 100% Fast AdSense Approval

How To Get 100% Fast AdSense Approval

Google AdSense is the easiest and best way to earn money online. When a blogger creates a blog, their main dream is to make a good income from AdSense. However, new bloggers often face many problems getting approval. There are certain requirements for getting an account approved that everyone must meet. Without fully knowing these, their applications often get disapproved. But now you don't have to worry because we are here to provide you with the information needed to get Google AdSense approval. By following these guidelines, you can get your AdSense account approved within 24-72 hours with a 100% guarantee.

How To Get 100% Fast AdSense Approval

Believe it or not, when the approval email arrives, it fills your heart with joy. There are many examples of this on social media, particularly on Facebook, where many bloggers can't contain their excitement and share their happiness.

From my own experience, when I applied for AdSense for News Lekhak, I received full approval in just 48 hours. There was significant real-time traffic that day as well. Although, it’s worth noting that my site had 40–50 posts at the time.

I want to share one thing with you, it is very easy for a site with unique content to get AdSense approval. There is neither a requirement for high traffic nor a need for many posts.

This means if your website is in English, you can get approval for an AdSense account with minimal traffic and just 4-5 posts. It is 100% true.

However, you must use the method I am going to tell you next. This is not an AdSense approval trick, we will simply tell you about some crucial requirements for Google AdSense.

If a blog does not meet the AdSense Requirements or has a single deficiency, the account will not be approved.

So let's start and discuss the best way to get AdSense approval so that you can monetize your blog quickly.

How to Get Google AdSense Approval: 100% Working Method

As I said above, with this method, you can get an account approved for a site with English content in just 72 hours. This is not a trick, it's about meeting Google AdSense's requirements, which we need to fulfill.

  • Post Immediately: When you create a new blog, publish at least one post right away. After that, you can work on other settings.
  • Quality Content: Before applying for AdSense, ensure you have 4-5 great posts with a Content length of 750-1000 words each.
  • Use Fewer Images: Write posts with minimal images and more text. For a 1000-word post, use at least 1 image and a maximum of 3. More than this might cause issues with insufficient content.
  • Simple Theme: Use a simple, clean, and fast-loading theme. For self-hosted WordPress blogs, the Ribbon free theme is recommended, but Newspapers 8 and Sahifa themes are also good options.
  • Site Stability: When applying for AdSense, ensure your site remains up and running. Any downtime can lead to disapproval.
  • Logo and Favicon: Make sure your blog has a logo and favicon.
  • Navbar/Menu Bar: Your site should have a properly installed navbar or menu bar.
  • Enable Breadcrumbs: This is beneficial for SEO and helps the Google AdSense team review your site.
  • Content-Only Categories: Do not create categories without content. Only include categories in the menu that have posts.
  • Essential Pages: Create and display pages like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer in the footer, top menu, or both.
  • Submit to Google Webmaster: Ensure your blog is submitted to Google Webmaster (Search Console).
  • Sitemap Submission: Create a sitemap and submit it to both the Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

By following these steps, you can fix any shortcomings on your blog, apply for a Google AdSense account, and get approval within 72 hours. This method is 100% effective.

I hope you now understand how to get Google AdSense approval. This is a proven method. If you still have any questions, feel free to comment and ask. If you want to receive such posts directly to your email for free, subscribe to News Lekhak and share this information."


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