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How to Create an AdSense Account?

How to Create an AdSense Account?

My dear friends, In my previous post, I discussed affiliate marketing. Today, I will provide you with detailed information on How to create a Google AdSense account for your blog or website.

Having your own blog is a wonderful achievement in the world of Google. Some people blog as a hobby, while others do it to earn money online. Everyone has their own purpose. For those who blog for money, I want to emphasize that if you want to earn money through blogging, the highest-paying ad network is Google AdSense. No other ad network can match AdSense in terms of earnings.

How to Create an AdSense Account

What is Google Adsense?

Some newcomers know very little about Google AdSense. AdSense is an ad network company that provides ads to publishers, allowing them to earn significant money by placing these ads on their blogs or websites. AdSense is a Google product. Although many ad networks are available on the internet these days, Google AdSense is considered the best in the world of ad networks. Many bloggers are making a lot of money through it.

Some important tips for Google Adsense:

When a beginner starts blogging, they often do not know much about AdSense. Some people struggle to sign up for Google AdSense properly, which makes it difficult for them to earn money or generate a passive income, and this can be very frustrating. In today's post, we will teach you how to create an AdSense account, which will be very helpful for beginners.

Before signing up for Google AdSense, we need to consider some important factors. After addressing these, it will be appropriate to apply for AdSense.

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You must have your own blog or website.
  • You must have a Bank Account.
  • Your PAN Card should be linked to your bank account.
  • Your website must be at least one month old.
  • Your blog should have a minimum of 30 Posts.
  • The content of your blog or website should not be copyrighted.
  • Your blog should have a minimum of 100 page views per day.
  • You must sign up for AdSense using the name on your bank account.
  • If you are under 18, you can talk to your parent or guardian and create an AdSense account in their name.
  • You must have a Gmail ID.
  • You should be familiar with your blog to ensure it follows AdSense Policies.

Some important rules for creating an AdSense account are:

Google AdSense made major changes to the account approval process some time ago. These changes are as follows:

  • First, sign up for Google AdSense.
  • Next, place AdSense ads on your blog.
  • Within a few hours or days, you will receive an email informing you whether your account has been accepted or not.
  • If your blog is approved by the AdSense team, you will need to log in to your account and place the ad code on your website, which will initially appear blank.
  • After this, the AdSense team will check your blog again and send a final approval or disapproval message to your email.
  • If your blog is fully approved for AdSense, ads will start appearing on your blog. You can then place the ad code wherever you need it.
  • Although it typically takes only 24-72 hours to get fully approved, sometimes the approval process for Google AdSense can take much longer.

How to create a Google AdSense account?

If you want to create an AdSense account for your blog, then follow the steps given below:

Step 1 

Google AdSense

Step 2

A new page will now open, prompting you to log in with your Gmail ID. Please log in by entering your Gmail ID and password.

  • If you are already logged in to Gmail, then click on Log in with your Current Account.

Step 3

Now a new window will open in which you will have to fill in your website details.

  • Enter the URL of your blog in the My Website field.
  • In Content Language, select the language of your website, like English.
  • Now click on the Save and Continue button.

Step 4

A form will now open, requiring you to fill out your personal information.

  1. Select your country name in your Country or Territory.
  2. Select the time zone of your country in the Time Zone. By the way, the time zone of India is +05:30.
  3. Select Individual under Account Type.
  4. Enter your name in Name and address.
  5. Enter your home address in Address line 1.
  6. You can also enter the address in Address line 2 or leave it blank.
  7. Enter the name of your city in City.
  8. Enter the PIN of your area in the Postal Code.
  9. Select your State in this.
  10. Enter your name in the Primary Contact field.
  11. Enter your real mobile number in the Phone Number.
  12. Enter your real Email ID in the email address.
  13. How did you get to know AdSense? In this, you can select an online forum or blog or anything. Because in this, you are being asked where you came to know about AdSense.
  14. Select all the options given in AdSense Email preferences Yes.
  15. Click on the Submit My Application button.

Step 5

A pop-up window will now open with the AdSense Terms and Services. You should read them carefully.

  • Yes, I have read and accepted the agreement by check mark.
  • Click on the Accept button.

Step 6

  1. A new page will open before you, displaying the AdSense code that needs to be copied. and <head> pasted under the tag in your Template or Theme and saved.
  2. Click on the option next to "I've pasted the code into my site or emailed it to someone who will".
  3. Now click on the Done button.

Congratulations! Your AdSense account has been successfully created. Your blog will now be reviewed by the AdSense team, who will send you an email within 3 days to inform you of the approval or disapproval of your AdSense Account.

If your AdSense account is approved, you can create ads and place them on your blog. Your AdSense income will then begin. If you're unsure how to create an AdSense Ads Unit, you can learn by reading "How to create Ads on Google AdSense."

Google AdSense Pin verification:

When your AdSense earnings reach $10, an AdSense PIN will be sent to your home address via speed post. You must then verify your home address by entering this AdSense PIN in your AdSense account and providing your bank details. Once this is done, when your AdSense income reaches $100, you can withdraw your payment.

I believe this tutorial will help you successfully create an AdSense account for your blog. If you encounter any difficulties while applying for AdSense, feel free to ask me through the comments without hesitation. If you found this post helpful, please don't forget to share it with your friends on social media. Thank you.


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