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Avoid Google AdSense Ban: Top 20 Tips

Avoid Google AdSense Ban: Top 20 Tips

Every blogger dreams of earning a lot of money by placing AdSense ads on their blog, but very few can manage their blogs and ads according to the policy. Most bloggers fail to follow the policy, leading to their AdSense account being suspended. In this post, we will discuss 10 common mistakes that can cause an AdSense account to be suspended. If you use Google AdSense on your blog, you should be aware of these mistakes.

I have seen many blogs where AdSense accounts were suspended due to improper ad placement, invalid click activity, or posting illegal content against the policy. As a result, their AdSense accounts become disabled.

We all know that Google AdSense does not tolerate publishers breaking its policy, but some new bloggers are unaware of the rules and make mistakes.

A significant weakness among bloggers is the unrealistic dream of earning a lot of money with minimal time and effort. This does not mean we cannot make a good income from AdSense. In fact, we can earn very well from AdSense without any doubt.

I currently earn a good monthly income, and many other bloggers also make high incomes from AdSense. However, to achieve such earnings, you need to work hard on your blog initially and dedicate a lot of time.

Therefore, using honest and transparent methods, and working patiently and continuously is the best way to succeed. Following this path is the only way to reach your goal; there is no shortcut.

Avoid Google AdSense Ban

Avoid Google AdSense Ban: Top 20 Tips

Now, we will detail the mistakes that can quickly lead to an AdSense account suspension.

1. Copyrighted Material:

Posting copyrighted content, including links, images, or videos, can result in AdSense suspension. Sharing information or links to websites offering copyrighted materials, such as movies or games, is also a violation. Many bloggers make this mistake and face the consequences.

2. Invalid Traffic:

Generating traffic through improper methods, such as using bots or buying traffic, is another common reason for AdSense suspension. Google AdSense prefers natural traffic sources like organic search engine traffic, social media, email marketing, and related websites. Purchased traffic goes against AdSense policy and leads to account suspension.

3. Self-Clicking:

Some bloggers create new blogs and apply for AdSense approval with only a few posts. After approval, they place ad units on their blogs but lack organic traffic to generate income. In desperation, they use VPN tools to click on their own ads, earning money temporarily. However, AdSense eventually detects this activity, suspends the account, and the earnings are forfeited to the advertisers.

4. Encouraging Friends for Clicks:

When a blog lacks traffic and earnings, some bloggers ask friends to click on ads, which is against AdSense policy. Google quickly detects this fraudulent activity. Since Google employs highly intelligent and skilled individuals, it is impossible to deceive the system. Encouraging clicks from friends leads to account suspension.

5. Content Violation:

Most AdSense account suspensions occur due to content violations, as some new bloggers are unaware of what types of content they should avoid publishing on their blogs. Some bloggers experiment and test Google's AdSense policy by sharing such content.

Initially, AdSense might not immediately detect these violations, but within 10–90 days, it identifies and acts upon the infractions. When this happens, AdSense sends a notice stating that your content violates their policy, and you are required to remove or edit the offending material within a specified time frame. Failure to comply results in the suspension of your AdSense account.

For example, linking to the keyword planner tool in your article is a policy violation because, although it is a Google tool, it belongs to Google AdWords, and AdSense does not permit links to AdWords sites. I experienced this firsthand when I received a notification to remove such a link from my post. Consequently, I had to correct the violation to avoid suspension. Sharing sensitive content related to hacking, adult material, weapons, or drugs also leads to account suspension.

6. Promoting Duplicate Products:

Promoting counterfeit or duplicate products similar to original brands on your blog is a major mistake. Google AdSense does not tolerate sites promoting fake goods and will suspend your account for such violations.

7. Ad Placement:

Many bloggers make mistakes in ad placement. For example, some place ads around the header menu to increase clicks, which is against AdSense policy. AdSense prefers clicks that come from genuine visitor interest, not trickery.

8. Low-Quality Website:

Some bloggers place ads on multiple blogs, including low-quality ones that do not adhere to AdSense policy. While you can add multiple sites to one AdSense account, the sites must follow AdSense guidelines. Placing ads on low-quality sites can lead to account suspension.

9. Click Bombing:

Many AdSense accounts are suspended due to click bombing, where malicious visitors generate fake clicks to harm the blog owner. To protect your ads, especially if you have a WordPress blog, use a plugin to prevent fake clicks. This can save your AdSense account from being suspended.

10. AdSense Supported Language:

Some bloggers have multiple websites. They might take AdSense approval for one site and then add another site in a language AdSense does not support. This is a significant mistake. Placing ads on a website with a non-supported language can lead to account suspension.

11. Ad Code Modification:

Some bloggers modify the ad code on their websites. While you can customize the AdSense code to fit your site, you should never make it blend so seamlessly that the ads look like part of your website content. Otherwise, your AdSense account is likely to be suspended. Your content and AdSense ads should be clearly distinguishable to visitors. However, some people over-customize ads to get more clicks, leading to account suspension.

12. Linking in Guest Posts:
Accepting guest posts that include external links can be risky, especially if the linked sites have policy violations or malware. Always review guest posts and their links carefully to avoid suspending your AdSense account.

13. Using Too Many Ad Units in a Post:
AdSense policy changes have led some bloggers to overcrowd their posts with ads, which annoys readers and increases the click-through rate artificially. AdSense recommends a balanced ad-to-content ratio. For posts of 500-1000 words, use up to 3 ad units for posts over 1200 words, use up to 4. Avoid placing multiple ad units too close together.

14. Using AdSense with Other Ad Networks:
Some bloggers use multiple ad networks along with AdSense without checking if it's allowed. Ensure that the other ad network is compatible with AdSense policy, or you risk account suspension.

15. Offensive Content:
Using abusive or offensive language against individuals or groups is against AdSense policy. Always use professional language and avoid speaking negatively about anyone in your posts. Violations can lead to account suspension.

16. Translated & Copied Content:
New bloggers sometimes try to quickly increase traffic by translating or copying content from other sources. This can lead to copyright claims and AdSense account suspension. Always create original content.

17. Using New AdSense on a Suspended Website:
If one of your websites gets an AdSense account suspended, do not add that site to another AdSense account. This will likely result in the second account being suspended as well. Instead, resolve the issue causing the suspension before attempting to use AdSense again on that site.

18. Privacy Policy & Disclosure Page:
New bloggers often forget to include essential pages like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and Disclosure on their websites before placing ads. Missing these pages can result in AdSense account suspension.

19. Unnatural Comment Linking:
If a visitor comments on your blog and includes a URL to a copyrighted or adult site, and you approve the comment without proper checking, your AdSense account can be suspended. Always review comments thoroughly.

20. Sticky Ads:
Some bloggers use plugins or coding to make ads sticky, hoping to increase clicks and impressions. However, making an AdSense ad a sticky widget is against policy and can lead to account suspension.

These mistakes should not be ignored. Always manage your blog according to AdSense policies. If you are making any of the mistakes mentioned above, correct them promptly to avoid account suspension.

I hope you now understand Avoid Google AdSense Ban. If you have any questions or thoughts related to AdSense suspensions, feel free to comment. If you want to receive more helpful posts directly to your email, subscribe to this website.


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